Dear Gray,
At 5 months you are:
-Cooing up a storm
-So alert
-Sleeping in your own bed at night
-Still sleeping through the night (after a few nights adjusting to your bed)
-Smiling all the time
-Watching Bear where ever he goes
-Now in size 2 diapers
-Wearing 3-6 months clothes
-Playing with the toys hanging from your bouncy seat
-Sleeping with one arm out of your Miracle Blanket while we
transition you out of it completely
-Enjoying tummy-time more, but still prefer to play on your
-Still rolling over from tummy to back
You Love:
-Being held upright so you can look around
-Your bouncy seat
-Playing and kicking on your play mat
-Going for walks around the neighborhood!!!
-Shopping with mom at the grocery store in your Moby
Wrap…you always fall asleep mid-way through
-Looking in the mirror
-Bath time
You’re still not a fan of:
-Your car seat
-When the car stops...heaven forbid!
-Getting your diaper changed when you’re ready to eat
-Putting lotion on after your bath
This month you…
-Went swimming for the first time and LOVED it!!!
-Had your first two “play-dates” with your new friends Asher
and Tucker
-Went with momma to get her haircut downtown
-Made several shopping trips to Northpark
-Met Christine, Faith, Isabelle and Mrs. Fego
-Met your great-aunt Shari and cousin (not sure of the exact
title) Kimberly who made a special trip from Atlanta to meet you
-Celebrated Gramp’s birthday!
-Celebrated Aunt Shan and Papa’s birthdays!
-Met Jeff, Becky, Brady and Charlotte
-Slept in your crib at night…did I already mention that?
Much harder for mommy than you
Okay I see how he definitely looks like Jon in these pictures!! So sweet. (actually just such a perfect mix of you both! esp in that last picture!) He's precious. I cant wait to meet him!!!