Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Jesus: Christmas 2010

Christmas began bright and early! I love waking up on Christmas morning. It's still a little dark outside so the Christmas tree is glowing. Jon and I turn on all the Christmas lights, make coffee (in our Santa cups), light our candles and turn on Kenny G who serenades us through the excitement.

Stockings are first. This year Bear got to kick us off & he loved it! All of his stocking sussies kept him occupied the entire morning, which was the plan:)

Halfway through opening gifts, we took a coffee/cinnamon roll break...Yum!

After Jon and I finished our exchange, we got ready, loaded up and traveled roughly 15 minutes to my parents. I LOVE that Prosper is as far as we have to travel during the holidays. I definitely feel blessed to live so close to family. Christmas is precious for 2 reasons: 1. We have the sweet privilege and honor of celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and 2. It's a special time to enjoy & make memories with family. So...Christmas morning around 10AM we kicked off our Kaufman Christmas!

Stockings first!

Lyric sporting the jewels I got her

Gray and Campbell's new onseies!

My mom's favorite color is yellow, so I knew we had to get her this perfect yellow Jcrew coat...she loved it!

(I LOVE this picture!)

A BIG thank you to my parents for a wonderful Christmas morning/afternoon! We opened presents, ate a delicious brunch and played games until it was time for Jon and I to move onto our next destination. Thank you mom and dad for being the GREATEST parents in the world!

To the Bailey's!!!

We arrived at the Bailey's around 4pm. It's SO nice that we can celebrate with both side of our families in one day!!! It makes me so thankful to live a max of 15-20 minutes away from our immediate family! Presents, delicious food, stockings and helicopter flying more than entertained our group! Thank you Randy and Nancy for making our Christmas warm and special!

Everley's Christmas outfit was too adorable for words!

Cade and Uncle Jer-Jer

I asked for children's books for Christmas from Randy and Nancy...I LOVE getting kids books...Yay!

The little onesie says, "I'm an Ice Guy!"

I hope each of you enjoyed spending time with family this Christmas. I hope something you did made you feel like a kid again, reliving the magic of the season. Most of all, I hope you took time to remember what we are truly celebrating each December 25th. I know next year I'm going to try to focus more on Jesus and take more time to marvel at the beautiful birth of our Lord, Savior and King! Because HE is the reason we celebrate!!!

Merry, Merry Christmas!!!!

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